Wednesday, March 25, 2009

my new card

my 7th credit card just came in de mail yesterday!! hehehe...

every card dat i've gotten is based purely by de looks, i know, how shallow...

but i beg to differ!!! a card is a card is a card u know... if it looks good comin out of my purse can't hurt rite? well it hurts de bank account... sure... but i gotta look good while spendin to look good, y'know??

anyways, i'm a bit reluctant to publish my card online... u can nvr be too paranoid y'know with all de fraud cases n all... but i can't resist this. so here it is, de latest plastique family member:

this is wat i hated about it tho... they went n covered james' eye!! he ain't no pirate y'all... can't u guys at least rotate de photo a tiny bit? it makes me sad... now i gotta go do some cheer-me-up shoppin... but i'm not gonna use this card, hah!!


Merryn said...

yeah lah.. just when james' eyes look good in a pic, they went n cover it.. apalah.. sigh.. (jangan marah james!) :P

sherlene said...

tu la pasal... kesian my sepet...

James said...

pantat kaparat la yall

Anonymous said...

its really not so smart to have your face on your credit card.

Anonymous said...

You commit an error. I can prove it. Write to me in PM, we will talk.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion you are not right. Let's discuss it. Write to me in PM, we will communicate.